Terms of sales
Our products are sold departure of our buildings. They travel to the risks and dangers of the recipient whatever the mode of sending. The fact, for our, to advance the price of transport does not make waiving of the clause above.
Any dispute or claim must reach us in the 48 H according to the delivery.
At the end of this period, they will not be admissible any more.
Any delay in the payments involves, automatically and without formal notice, paiment of penalty of delay at the rate of 15% per annum.
In the event of delay of payment, we reserve ourselves faculty to suspend or cancel the orders in progress without prejudice to any other recourse.
The unpayment of an expiry involves the current liability of the totality of the claim without another opinion.
CLAUSE OF RESERVE OF PROPERTY (Law n° 80,335 of may 12th 1980)
The company Global Equipment books the property of the products delivered until the complete payment of the price.
In this respect, do not constitute a payment within the meaning of the present provision, the handing-over of drafts and any title which can create an obligation to pay.
The purchaser will support the load of the risks in the event of loss, flight or destruction.
He will also support the loads of the insurance. In the absence of payment, by the purchaser, of only one fraction of the price at the agreed limits and forty-eight hours after a setting remains by registered letter remained unfruitful, the sale will be automatically cancelled, so good seems to us.
We reserve the right to even proceed us and to make proceed by all the agents designated by us for this purpose, with the immediate resumption of the products, objects of the sales.
In the event of liquidation or of receivership of the purchaser, the claim of the not paid products could be exerted within four month as from the publication of the ad hoc ad hoc procedure.
If the recovery of the debt involves the intervention of our contentious service, this one is raised forfaiterement of 15% on all the which had sums, to cover the contentious overheads.
In the event of unspecified dispute of a delivery or its regulation, only will be qualified the Bankruptcy court of Metz, whatever the place of delivery, the method of payment accepted and even in the event of call in warranty or of plurality of defenders. Except special and written conventions, any order automatically carries on behalf of the purchaser, his adhesion with our general terms of sale, notwithstanding any contrary stipulation appearing in its own general terms of purchase.
The payments will have to be carried out in accordance with the payment terms fixed by us.
The prices being reproduced on our rates are given as an indication and could be revised without notice.
Price valid at date will be applied.
We reserve the right to adapt prices, for confirmed orders as well, to reflect any increase in our costs, for any reason beyond our control, like force majeure, shortage of primary material or labor, strikes, official orders, transportation or similar problems, if this increase happens after confirmation of order but before delivery of goods.
The oral price quotations and the proposals made by our representatives engage us only after written confirmations of our business services.
Minimum of order and invoicing: 150 €.
Our price are ex works unlesse stated otherwise and do not include any kind of taxes.
Discount of 2% for cash payment in the 10 days, goes back to invoice.
This catalogue was elaborate with the aim of inform the customers Global Equipment under optimal conditions.
It does not have any contractual value.
Our prices can undergo the incidences of the variations of exchange rates and the costs of the raw materials.